Remote Control Unit Type MN-28LB for AN/ARN-11 Radio Navigation System
This is a Cold War era Remote Control Unit, Type MN-28LB, as used in the Airborne Radio Navigation System AN/ARN-11 (see spec sheet in photo gallery) during and after WWII in both military and commercial aircraft. The AN/ARN-11 system was a radio compass which indicated the direction of a selected ground transmitting station and also functioned as a general radio receiver. The MN-28LB unit could be adjusted for 3 radio frequency bands, 200-410 kc, 550-1200kc, and 2900-6000 kc.
Our example is yellow-tagged as serviceable, dated 1953, at USAF SBAMA (San Bernadino CA Air Materiel Area). The only apparent defect is the missing tuning crank (see center axis upon which it would mount). Otherwise all knobs turn and the fuse is intact and in place.
Measures ~5 inches wide, ~7 inches tall, and ~2 inches deep.