Fuel Flow Indicator, JU-88, Verbrauchs-Anzeiger 9-2172 A-1, Luftwaffe – AeroAntique
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Fuel Flow Indicator, JU-88, Verbrauchs-Anzeiger 9-2172 A-1, Luftwaffe


Fuel Flow Indicator, JU-88, Verbrauchs-Anzeiger 9-2172 A-1, Luftwaffe


Here is an electric Fuel Flow Indicator (Verbrauchs-anzeiger), manufactured by LGW-Hakenfelde as used in the Luftwaffe Junkers JU-88 bomber, and possibly others. It measures the rate of fuel consumption up to 500 liters/hour.  

The artifact is labeled as a war bring-back as having been extracted from a JU-88. Unfortunately, one of the mounts broke along the way.  Measures ~2 inches diameter and ~3 inches deep.

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