Fuel Quantity Indicator, Outboard Wing Tank, B-36H Peacemaker Bomber – AeroAntique
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Fuel Quantity Indicator, Outboard Wing Tank, B-36H Peacemaker Bomber


Fuel Quantity Indicator, Outboard Wing Tank, B-36H Peacemaker Bomber

This is a vintage Cold-War-era Outboard Wing Tank Fuel Quantity Indicator, capacitor-type, made by Avien, part number 162-024-200, spec number AN-G-31a, as used in the US Air Force Strategic Bomber the B-36H Peacemaker (see illustration of the B-36H Engineers Station Panel from the B-36H flight manual dated 1954 showing the location of this indicator with the right red dot). This fuel gage indicates total fuel quantity contained in the tank located in one of two Outboard wing tanks, one of the nine fuel tanks on the B-36H: the Bomb Bay Tank, two each of Outboard, Center, Inboard, and Auxiliary Wing Tanks, whose fuel quantities are indicated individually on their dedicated gages on the Engineer's panel. Also note the photo of the fuel tank locations in a B-36H with their capacities in gallons (note that the gages indicate fuel in pounds, not gallons. A gallon of avgas is ~ 6lbs.). Measures 3.25in diameter and 4in deep.

This is a rare opportunity to own an instrument that was in all likelihood made specifically for the largest piston-engined aircraft ever mass-produced. I know of no other aircraft that used these fuel quantity gages (i.e., the labels and quantities match that of the B-36). It is in excellent condition given its age. The dial markings are clear and the glass and case are intact.


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