Manufacturer Unknown
Airborne Interphone/Radio Jack Box, BC-334 US Army Air Force
The BC-366 Jack Box was part of the RC-26, RC-27, and RC-35 Interphone Systems, used to control airborne communications of the aircraft interphone and radio during flight and on the ground. The BC-334 Jack Box was commonly used across two seat aircraft of the US Army Air Force and US Navy such as trainers AT-6 Texan and BT-13 Valiant. See photo from the 1945 AT-6 Erection and Maintenance Manual showing the position of a BC-366 at the pilots side.
This item is New Old Stock, and is in its original, unopened, preservation packaging measuring 4.5 inches by 5 inches by 4 inches, with a Serviceable Part tag dated Aug 1945.