B-24D Liberator Flight Manual 1942 – AeroAntique
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B-24D Liberator Flight Manual 1942


B-24D Liberator Flight Manual 1942

Not for Sale

This artifact resides in our Private Collection, yet we welcome inquiries from restorers, museums, or serious enthusiasts. Please email us with the name of the artifact at Curator@AeroAntique.com.

This is an authentic WWII-era hard-bound Flight Manual for the Consolidated B-24D LIberator Heavy Bomber, copyright 1942. 

At about 200 pages, this manual was published as a part of a 7 volume set of manuals for the B-24D. The other volumes were Airplane General, Power Plant, Hydraulics, Radio, Electricity, and Armament, and were given to B-24 pilots in a custom leather satchel.

Ours is in terrific condition given its age. The edges have a few dents, but all of the pages appear in place and intact. 

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