CAC CA-11 Woomera Instrument Panel
AeroAntique is pleased to share this instrument panel owned by one of our good friends. We welcome inquiries and are happy to put you in contact with the owner of this artifact. Please email us with the name of the artifact at 2banaviator@gmail.com .
A note about this panel and the aircraft from the panel's owner:
"This is a copy panel with original-type instruments. I made it because there’s virtually no hope of finding the original: the one and only completed CA-11 was broken up in 1944.
The CA-11 was designed as a heavily-armed and relatively ¬¬long-ranged medium bomber derived from the CA-4 prototype whose design commenced in 1940. It incorporated several ideas that looked good in theory but may not have worked so well in practice, an example being the remote-controlled gun barbettes in the back of the engine nacelles. Unfortunately for the Woomera project it suffered from more urgent priorities in the mid-war period and then from an enervating lack of urgency as it became obvious that the Allies would win the war, coupled with the seemingly limitless flow of very effective American medium bombers into the SWPA war zone.
After the war, the nine pre-production Woomera fuselages on the assembly line were dumped in a farm paddock at Nunawading in what was then the outskirts of Melbourne, and were still there in 1961. Later that farmland became just another suburb, and the unremarkable skeletons of Australia’s only indigenous tactical bomber design were rolled into the fill under a supermarket carpark, where they remain entombed."