German Propaganda Leaflet to Soviet Troops 1944 Cossacks – AeroAntique
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German Propaganda Leaflet to Soviet Troops 1944 Cossacks

Manufacturer Unknown

German Propaganda Leaflet to Soviet Troops 1944 Cossacks


This is an authentic WWII German Propaganda Leaflet dropped from aircraft to Soviet Cossack Troops on the Russian Front in 1944. The intent of the leaflet is to persuade Soviet Cossacks to surrender and fight with the German army as part of the collaborating POA/ROA Russian Liberation Army under German command.

The leaflet measures ~7 inches by ~5.5 inches.  

The photo is entitled "Cossacks in the Fight Against Bolshevism", and the caption states that this POA column of Cossacks on horseback in Hungary is lead by a German liaison officer. The text on the reverse side, as translated by Google, reads as follows (uncensored and without correction):

Soldiers, officers and political workers of the Red Army! Stalin's propaganda disseminates all sorts of lies about us, the soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. The Stalinist propagandists, they call us German hirelings, traitors and traitors, then they declare that our army is the remnants of white immigrants who are fighting for the restoration of the old royal orders in Russia. Is it so? Of course not! We are your brothers, just like you, the sons of the working people, the peasants, the workers and intellectuals, the former soldiers, the commanders and political workers of the Red Army. All of the former members of the Liberation Committee in the overwhelming majority are army men, Comanopoles, and Craps who voluntarily come over to our side. All of us and political workers. and our misfortunes and our own stoa with Stalin at the head. Stalin clearly understood him, who is the true culprit of all misfortunes. By this communist henchmen are the worst enemies of the people. It was the people of rich Russia who were half-starved, the years of collectivization under the slogan “abolished and joining, at work and the peasantry, rotting in exile and prisons honors millions led our country to a terrible year of 1932-33, Russia knew the millennial existence, It was they who introduced them not long before the war, both of them were still awards. laws for workers made the worker a true slave of the capitalist state. They squeezed out the last juices of the people, justifying it with the need to defend the country, and, hypocritically speaking of their peaceableness, they were preparing the current war. And here we are, having clearly understood who is the cause of all the disasters that befell our Homeland, now we take up arms. We are raising the banner of popular struggle. Brothers, fighters and officers of the Red Army! We take upon ourselves this people from Stalin’s slavery, for the sake of the happy future of our Motherland, to end this bloody war unnecessary to the people. You are carrying a heavy burden in the name of liberating our name. The goals and objectives of the Co. are now "organized by the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. I know you from its manifesto. This is the overthrow of the slave regime of Stalin, the end of the war and the honorable peace with Germany. This is a free Russia bsz bolsheviks and the exploiters, where the peasants will be, the owner of the land, where the worker will be provided with free labor and all the people material prosperity. For the world! For a great motherland! For the land, for the will, for the best share ... For the bright future of pasha and fallen children! Former Red Army men, officers and political workers of the Red Forces, army-soldiers and officers of the Armed 1072 / XII. 44. Peoples Liberation Committee

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