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B-17F Familiarization Manual 1942


B-17F Familiarization Manual 1942

Not for Sale

This artifact resides in our Private Collection, yet we welcome inquiries from restorers, museums, or serious enthusiasts. Please email us with the name of the artifact at Curator@AeroAntique.com.

This is an original WWII-era Familiarization and Inspection Manual for the Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress heavy bomber of the US Army Air Corps.  Although not marked, it is likely from 1942 when the F version went into production. 

The manual is intended to familiarize pilots, air crew, and ground crew with the major systems and aspects of the aircraft. It is full of illustrations in color and in black and white. It is about 510 pages, including multi-page fold out charts and illustrations.

It includes a unique "Trans-vision" display of the power plant, showing cross sections of major components of the Wright Cyclone R-1820 engine in overlapping transparencies. 

It is in good condition given its age. The wear of the cover shows that the manual may have been used regularly. A couple of the fold-outs have separated at the folds, but otherwise appear to be intact.  There are slight tears here and there. 

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